A New Look at the Political Spectrum

First suggested by David Nolan, the Advocates for Self-Government have developed his idea into a comprehensive view of the total political spectrum. Taking their simple but effective "World's Smallest Political Quiz" (a total of ten questions), makes it quick and easy to see where you fit on the political grid.

The personal self-governor score measures your tolerance for people who have differing ideas of health, love, recreation, prayer and other activities that are not measured in dollars.
A high score shows you have tolerance for different people as long as they are peaceful and don't force their ideas on others.
A low score shows you want your standards of morality, safety and health to be enforced by political government.


What is your position?

The economic self-governor score measures your personal responsibility as a producer and consumer, how you support your family and how you use your money.
A high score shows that you value responsibility and believe that free-market competition is better for people than central planning by government. You tolerate variation in economic success, as long as people who acquire wealth do so by honest production and trade, not by theft, cheating or political pull.
A low score shows that you believe a good society can happen only when your standards of wealth distribution are enforced by political government.

Political Philosophies

Libertarians are self-governors in both personal and economic matters. They believe government's only purpose is to protect people from coercion and violence. They value individual responsibility, and tolerate economic and social diversity.  [Back]
Left-Liberals prefer self-government in personal matters and central decision-making on economics. They want government to serve the disadvantaged in the name of fairness. Leftists tolerate social diversity, but work for economic equality.  [Back]
Centrists favor selective government intervention and emphasize practical solutions to current problems. They tend to keep an open mind on new issues. Many centrists feel that government serves as a check on excessive liberty.  [Back]
Right-conservatives prefer self-government on economic issues, but want official standards in personal matters. They want the government to defend the community from threats to its moral fiber.  [Back]
Authoritarians want government to advance society and individuals through expert central planning. They often doubt whether self-government is practical. Left-authoritarians are also called socialists, while fascists are right-authoritarians.  [Back]

Not sure where you fit in?
Take the World's Smallest Political Quiz today!

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