Our Founding Fathers recognized the right, duty and necessity of the individual to defend himself. No matter how hard we try, the police cannot be everywhere, and you will find little security in knowing that the police may someday catch the criminal. It will bring even less relief to know that the courts or the parole system will probably turn him loose again to prey upon someone else.
In every State where they have enacted reform legislation to restore the right of honest citizens to carry concealed arms for their defense, the crime rate dropped almost immediately and continues to fall. And, to the horror of liberals everywhere, the rate of gun-related casualties has also fallen! Surprise! Those same vicious thugs are afraid of an armed and prepared citizenry.
No man fights fiercer than a free man defending his home and his loved ones. The Founders of this Republic knew that, and they incorporated it in the Second Amendment. Liberal revisionists not withstanding, when they spoke of the "militia" they were speaking of armed citizens, banding together to defend themselves and their neighbors. Anyone who cares enough to read the actual writings of the Founding Fathers, and not some academic's interpretation of what he thought they meant, will find this to be true. That is why all of them, from Washington on down, argued for only a small, dedicated military. They expected us to take responsibility for ourselves and to have a sense of duty when it came to defending our nation.
An unarmed citizen is at the mercy of everyone, and is of no help to his neighbor or his nation.
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