Tax Relief for the Poor, Not A Minimum Wage
I was thoroughly opposed to the bill to raise the minimum wage in the last Congress. In typical "bread-and-circuses" fashion, our Congressmen sold out for fear of being branded "mean-spirited" (favorite mantra of the liberal elite). Not only did they not do the poor any favors, but they have also continued setting nasty precedents for more government meddling into everyone's life.
Instead of government dictating wages, I propose that the minimum wage be repealed altogether, and replaced with total exemption from all taxes on income where the individual makes less than a desired amount, such as the suggested $5.15 per hour (or even $5.50 or $6.00 per hour), with no withholding from their paychecks. This would leave far more money in the pockets of the working poor than hiking the minimum wage would accomplish.
An increase in the minimum wage would result in more taxes deducted from the individual's paycheck, effectively reducing the impact of the increase right off the top. It would also result in higher prices for goods, as the increase is passed along to the consumer (after all, the increased taxes would be also coming out of the employer's pockets as well), thereby reducing the actual purchasing power of the individual effected.
The Government has no legitimate right or authority to decide how much money anyone in the private sector may earn. That is a matter to be determined only by the employer and employee. No one is forced to stay in a job that doesn't suit them. If a person doesn't like how much they are earning they need to apply themselves and take whatever steps are necessary to improve their employment. That is precisely what happened with nearly every person who has ever earned "minimum wage" (myself included). If you have an ounce of initiative you move on.
It is time each of us took responsibility for our own lives and our own communities, and stopped relying on government programs that do not work and only serve to bankrupt our nation.
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